But Onstar is based on a proprietary wireless cellular network, not the public Internet.
Getting rid of the proprietary networks is expected to cut maintenance and training costs while increasing programming flexibility.
However in many cases they still rely on proprietary networks or expensive sound cards to successfully deliver their media.
In recent years, such proprietary networks have helped companies become more efficient and competitive.
That is because rather than distributing information over the Web, these services use proprietary networks that link each party directly to the others.
The system also provides news, price quotes, and messaging across its proprietary secure network.
It used to be that only large chains could afford smart cash registers and proprietary networks to monitor sales.
The business card information was retrieved from a proprietary social network hosted at SenderOK.com.
At the time, all BlackBerry handhelds used a proprietary network.
Within the next six months, the company expects to use more of its own proprietary network.