Companies provide proprietary extensions, modules, plugins or add-ons to an open-source package.
These (and similar) proprietary extensions are incompatible across different wi-fi chips vendors.
All scripting is based on Lua with proprietary extensions.
Vendors may support usage of higher frequencies as a proprietary extension to the standard.
By the mid 1990s, most network switch manufacturers had included aggregation capability as a proprietary extension to increase bandwidth between their switches.
However, almost all vendors have proprietary extensions that resolve some of this issue: they aggregate multiple physical switches into one logical switch.
Some of the 386 systems had proprietary 32-bit extensions to the ISA bus.
Also, when several vendors' equipment is deployed, the proprietary extensions are managed in a consistent manner.
The proprietary extension to Openfire allows multiple server instances to work together in one clustered environment.
A number of vendors provide some extremely powerful proprietary extensions.