Business colleges are sometimes also called proprietary colleges, especially when they grant associate degrees or higher.
It is a proprietary college which offers classes related to specific professions.
Around the country, such private proprietary colleges and religious universities are the subject of increasing scrutiny.
At the beginning it was a proprietary college.
Leaders in community colleges, proprietary colleges, community-based programs, and universities are also educational leaders.
In fact, Congressional supporters of proprietary colleges had been trying for three years to repeal the 50 percent rule in a stand-alone bill.
Interboro is one of the largest and fastest-growing proprietary colleges in the state.
Midstate College is a small, private vocational school and proprietary college in Peoria, Illinois.
Kinser's classes of proprietary colleges are organized by these criteria:
You've having dinner, and then the lobbyist says, 'Let me tell you about proprietary colleges.'