European nations are leading an effort in Geneva Friday to condemn the government crackdown, order a U.N.-led investigation and propose suspending Libya from the council.
It proposes suspending all Sunday flights to Aitutaki, followed by a referendum to determine whether than ban will be made permanent.
Governor Cuomo proposed suspending the next phase of the state's scheduled income-tax cut.
But last December, the Security Council proposed suspending sanctions if Iraq cooperated with a new team of arms inspectors.
Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff proposed suspending Paraguay's membership in Mercosur and the Union of South American Nations.
Miguel Lerdo de Tejada resigned from his position as Treasury Secretary when Comonfort's successor, Benito Juárez, proposed suspending the payment of Mexico's foreign debt in 1860.
Mr. Dinkins proposed suspending the program altogether in 1992, but that plan was beaten back by the Council.
When the city proposed suspending it in 1943 to save $20,000 in printing costs, labor unions representing the printing trade sued, arguing that not publishing it "would mean unemployment, distress and financial loss."
He once proposed suspending payments on Mexico's foreign debt; now he says only that the debt should have been renegotiated, as President Salinas has done.
The second question concerns humanitarian aid: under no circumstances have we proposed or do we propose suspending humanitarian aid.