They proposed shifting away from a reliance on Afghan tribal leaders to creating the C.I.A.'s own sources.
Rather, I proposed shifting some of the tax burden from the general taxpayer to guzzlers of our scarce water supply.
The latest dispute arose when Mr. Bratton proposed shifting three of the city's eight borough commanders late last month.
Mr. Lynch proposed shifting $405 million from school aid into a permanent property-tax-relief program.
Again in 2012, the Wesleyan administration proposed shifting away from its need-blind policy beginning with the class of 2017.
Mrs. Whitman proposed shifting the emphasis from education and job training that would permanently raise recipients' income levels to moving people quickly into entry-level jobs.
Senator Lynch initially proposed shifting $450 million.
This replaces an earlier model that proposed shifting slash-and-burn agriculture as the typical Bandkeramik farming mode.
You propose shifting to the comparable profit methods in order to better identify inaccurate transaction prices and the most frequently applied tax-evasion techniques.
Most significantly, she proposed shifting $28.5 million from some of the state's wealthier districts to the 30 poorest and so-called special needs districts.