Believing that the bear had killed everyone inside, some of the guardsmen proposed setting the house on fire.
And how do you propose setting about the job?
The committee that drafted the legislation proposed setting the threshold at $20,000, twice the level in the United States.
Mr. Giuliani also proposed setting a 90-day limit on many shelter stays.
So it proposed setting a limit of twice compensatory damages, but no more than $750,000.
The agency proposed setting ozone limits over eight hours, as opposed to its one-hour limit.
Though Dalton proposed setting the atomic weight of hydrogen as unity in 1803, many other proposals were popular throughout the 19th century.
Mr. Giuliani's budget plan will also propose setting aside $100 million for a new tax cut, the officials said.
My group proposes setting the cap at 90%.
Furthermore, and in an underhand way, the Commission proposes setting a ceiling on aid per farm.