In addition, there are six work groups, which also have a diverse membership, to research and propose recommendations on certain key areas.
Whenever two subagencies propose incompatible recommendations, their managers start to lose control.
Then we have a huddle between the staff, propose recommendations and discuss them with the family.
Different institutions propose different recommendations concerning daily amounts of the vitamin.
Specifically, the Commission shall propose recommendations designed to balance the budget, excluding interest payments on the debt, by 2015.
Various commissions and individual inspectors were appointed throughout the years, whether due to traumatic experiences or as a matter of routine, in order to examine the issues and propose recommendations.
Carrying out research on existing laws on detention and imprisonment and proposing recommendations raised by the Monitor and Human Rights Watch.
Taking into account, however, the Agency's overall role, it should maintain a high level of competences in order to perform its mission in monitoring evaluations, proposing recommendations and conducting specific market studies.
The Commission will propose recommendations to the Council to put an end to situations where an excessive deficit exists.
The CBJ proposes, upon its initiative or upon government request, specific suggestions and recommendations related to the prevailing economic, financial and monetary conditions.