Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa, former Italy's Economy Minister, proposed granting a tax break, worth €1,000, to Italians between the ages of 20 and 40 who rent apartments.
The White House plan, for example, proposes granting federal agencies the right of eminent domain to seize private property needed for new electricity transmission lines.
Transportation Secretary Elizabeth Hanford Dole today proposed granting airlines an antitrust exemption to let them jointly discuss ways to reduce airline delays.
In 1821, he proposed granting preemption rights to squatters.
Mr. Bush also proposed granting the director somewhat less authority over the estimated $40 billion annual intelligence budget than the commission had called for.
In 1914, Maxwell proposed granting United States citizenship to the people of Guam.
The Comyn Council proposes granting the Alton Domain to Gabriel Lanart.
The Kuhne report proposes granting Parliament discharge, provided a number of well-defined requirements are met.
He later proposed granting the Protestant (overwhelmingly Unionist) community political autonomy within a united Ireland.