With his background in organizational psychology, he proposed applying Humphrey's framework to human capital management practices.
Killworth proposed applying the 'Baltimore traffic problem algorithm' to the research challenges this presented.
Cristofilos proposed applying currents to the Earth to create a vertical loop antenna, and it became clear that this was the most practical design.
In particular, Jevons proposed applying the current wealth to righting social ills and to creating a more just society:
Those had been her words, months ago, when he first proposed applying to join the Seldon Foundation.
Along this line Crispin Sartwell also proposed in 1995 applying aesthetics to life itself.
Mr. Bush also proposed applying the Medicare payroll tax to state and local government workers, another measure Congress is likely to reject.
The Commission proposes applying this criterion rigorously in the future, just as it has done in the past.
The Commission initially proposed applying exceptional measures for a period of three years.
"You propose applying a blowtorch to the bodies?"