The proposal may sound a lot like what the steel industry is now proposing, but that evening was on Dec. 11, 1900.
The proposal may sound vague, he says, but that is because each community must investigate the problem and come up with its own answers.
The proposal sounded tempting, but was a little risky, and after consulting together we decided to let things remain as they were.
As an American who will never be able to pay off her student loan debt, the proposal doesn't sound too bad to me.
But the Democrats' proposal sounds to us like a reasonable starting point.
This proposal sounded like something that was based on reason-that should work to some degree.
Steve Forbes's proposal for a flat tax also sounds good politically.
"With that tidbit under his arm, Marcus' proposal doesn't sound nearly as expensive."
"On the face of it, i'd have to say the proposal sounds incredibly naive."
If this proposal sounds mundane now, in 1965 it caused a sensation.