Some proposals infuriate them, but others, like the idea of not increasing aid for an additional child born to a mother already on welfare, are still being fervently debated.
The proposal has infuriated the antitax conservatives who control the House of Delegates, the legislature's lower house, and caused a stalemate over the state budget that is threatening to disrupt government services.
That proposal infuriated many Republicans who were already leery of the health care benefits, seeing them as a Democratic effort to inch toward much wider health care coverage.
But Mr. Chen's and other, similar proposals have infuriated a range of cultural historians, archeologists and architects here, who say an ersatz theme park would debase the site's historical significance.
Many political analysts said that the mayor's uncharacteristically impassioned speech about a "chocolate" city resulted from his recognition that his commission's proposal had infuriated many blacks.
This proposal infuriated fledgling rivals as well as the European Union's top antitrust regulator, Karel Van Miert, a Belgian.
The proposals for the luckless Stone Bassett infuriated the surrounding villagers and tested the strength of UK planning controls to the limit.
The initial proposal to cut retirement benefits almost in half infuriated many members of the union.
Early proposals had infuriated smaller countries, who called them humiliating.
The proposals have infuriated the senior clergy, who say they have not been consulted or even informed.