A systematic random sampling strategy was then used to select a proportionate number of grid cells from each stratum.
These policies directed agencies of the federal government to employ a proportionate number of minorities whenever possible.
To put it more concretely, the proportionate number of people who devoted themselves to pure scientific research was in each generation greater.
Every political party with more than 8 seats in the 71-member parliament must be offered a proportionate number of cabinet posts.
If you must have first past the post, then maybe constituencies should be gerrymadered so that there are proportionate numbers of voters for each party.
The player's pieces are removed and a proportionate number of heads are dropped on the opponent's screen.
A proportionate number of heads is dropped on the opponent's screen.
It seems probable that when the plant was destroyed, the animal whose food it was must have died in proportionate numbers.
But, actually, even the largest companies didn't make a proportionate number of discoveries.
That much press doesn't really sell a proportionate number of tickets, but it does make you famous.