The ideal gas law, which establishes a proportional relationship between number of gas particles and pressure in a constant volume.
This has definitely ruined beauty of the building, linked largely to the proportional relationships between the bodies.
However, the proportional relationship between guard, awn, and down hair production varies greatly between all breeds.
The aspect ratio of an image describes the proportional relationship between its width and its height.
Correspondingly, there is the same proportional relationship between the transformed distortion and the number of clusters, K.
Actually $$$ is, but Perception vs. $$$ is a directly proportional relationship.
Mostly there is no simple or proportional relationship between sound field characteristics and auditory events.
They are determined by certain proportional relationships of the squares and the diagonals.
One thing that irritates me is the incorrect use of "more" when a proportional relationship is involved.
Abby Rust works with computer-enhanced photography to set up proportional relationships for images of lilies.