Mr. Giuliani proposed cutting next year's budget by $1.3 billion, or 4 percent, from the current year's budget, the greatest proportional reduction in spending since 1933.
Where performance is partially impossible, the entire contract may be void; alternatively, depending on the circumstances, there may be a proportional reduction in the counter-performance.
Therefore the proportional reduction in malaria disease burden is likely to be true.
Oil companies will have to reduce emissions on a per-barrel basis, reduction proportional to production basis.
As a solution to the problem of the illegal voters, the Republicans proposed a solution of "proportional reduction".
The progressive and proportional reduction of conventional weapons.
Thirdly, it would increase the public tax burden since no proportional reduction in existing taxes can be anticipated.
The services this year reduced recruiting quotas by 60,000, or 23 percent, and are projecting at least the same proportional reductions for next year.
In fact, the blueprint for the current drawdown - the bottom-up review - rejected the idea of proportional reductions for very good reasons.
As modern diesel fuel economy is 30 percent higher than gasoline engines, a proportional reduction of greenhouse gas emissions is achieved with clean diesel technology.