Because RVDT's perform essentially like a transformer, excitation voltages changes will cause directly proportional changes to the output (transformation ratio).
More generally, a function with a rate of change proportional to the function itself (rather than equal to it) is expressible in terms of the exponential function.
So the increase (or decrease) in the Volume of the object results in a proportional corresponding change in the Mass of the object.
If output increases by that same proportional change then there are constant returns to scale (CRS).
If output increases by less than that proportional change, there are decreasing returns to scale (DRS).
If output increases by more than that proportional change, there are increasing returns to scale (IRS).
In other words, factoring the proportional change in the number and mean duration of pauses between these readings will always equal .
Expression pedals may be non-linear in response, meaning that slight pressure changes may cause a greater proportional change in volume than a more complete depression.
Is the y axis 100%, so that what you see from left to right is just proportional change relative to 1970 numbers?
I therefore recommend making changes suitable and proportional to people's actual needs, and stringent checks on the proposed plans and initiatives.