Not everyone in the ward was in late middle age, but a fair proportion seemed to be.
And in Britain the proportions of them who depend on social assistance seem to be higher than anywhere else.
But as the editorial writers pointed out, only a small proportion of the promised studies ever seem to get done.
"The longer proportion seems right with short or cropped narrow pants."
A large proportion of them seemed to be women and children.
As noted above, only a relatively small proportion of Oxfordshire teachers seem to feel threatened to any extent by the scheme.
There are terraces here, too, and many people linger, but a smaller proportion, it would seem, than elsewhere.
The proportion of such subjects increases with age and seems to peak between 50 and 60 years.
However, the proportion of trees with a high level of natural resistance seemed to be very low, probably less than 5%.
The hands were so dirty he could not tell much about them, but their proportions seemed to fit those of a child.