Many proponents of the tax cut, mostly Republicans, have long held on faith that tax breaks for the wealthy would lead to economic growth for all.
Now, with proponents holding a larger majority in both chambers, the threat of this anti-worker legislation becoming law looms large.
The main proponent of the scheme, Canberra engineer Ken Bilston, held a 2 percent share and was technical manager for the project.
While proponents of these theories hold that they use scientific techniques and methods, skeptics argue that they don't.
Shamed, they turn to a teaching method called patterning, whose proponents hold that if one trains the body of a disabled child, the brain will follow.
Last week, proponents of bringing Kirkuk into a proposed Kurdish federation held their own march, without incident.
Therefore, proponents of this view hold that democratic participation should primarily focus on voting, where the policy with the most votes gets implemented.
But proponents of the minimum wage hold that the situation is much more complicated than the basic theory can account for.
FROM the 1930's through the 1960's, American psychology was dominated by behaviorism, whose more extreme proponents held that the mind is but a convenient fiction.
Many proponents of animal rights hold that if animals and humans are of the same nature, then rights cannot be distinct to humans.