Indeed, in their eagerness to sell irradiation to wary consumers, proponents of irradiation have failed to mention that this process still has many shortcomings.
Many educators also say that the proponents of national standards fail to explain how children of different backgrounds, across rich and poor school districts, will reach them.
Senators who are tracking votes agreed today that the proponents of new exploration would fail to get the 60 votes they need to win under the Senate rules.
On March 23, 2010, the BC province stated that the proponents had failed to provide enough information to earn the project a passing grade.
"The proponents of managed care fail to consider the devastating situations people often find themselves in," Dr. Weber said.
He said the proponents of the out-of-Africa "bandwagon" were failing to consider other explanations.
In a 1975 countywide election, the move's proponents failed to secure a simple majority.
After seeing that the proponents had failed to get a majority, one of the abstaining members, Barry Dugan, a Democrat of Bayonne, sought to change his vote.
Further, proponents of minimum-service requirements have failed to present evidence that this risk is either unique to fee-for-service brokers or so prevalent as to warrant minimum-service requirements.
On Friday, proponents twice failed by three votes to get the 60 required to cut off a Republican filibuster.