An enthusiastic proponent of small government, Perry was describing the three agencies that he would cut to reduce the size of the federal government.
Critical literacy encourages readers to actively analyze texts and offers strategies for what proponents describe as uncovering underlying messages.
Opponents and proponents alike described this as Yucca Mountain's big day in court.
Serious difficulties later developed with the project, and its leading proponent, Stuart Smith, described it as a great disappointment.
In particular, proponents describe several cases where database producers have been unable to obtain relief from the courts against substantial, competitive copying.
Some proponents of utilizing exergy concepts describe them as a biocentric or ecocentric alternative for terms like quality and value.
As one proponent of low-cost housing describes the process, it has been "out with the poor, in with the pavement."
Its proponents describe it as a way of life based upon the theological truth that human life at all stages from conception through natural death is sacred.
Anti-oppressive education encompasses multiple approaches to learning that actively challenge different forms of what proponents describe as oppression.
Its proponents describe a world that doesn't exist.