Critics and proponents alike agree on one thing: ephedra is flying off the shelves.
Furthermore, opinions on capital punishment are shifting, opponents and proponents agree.
The only thing that proponents and opponents can agree on is that nothing about this bill is simple.
But even the most enthusiastic proponents agree that smart-skin technology is still embryonic.
But even the most ardent proponents of the approach agree they have a long row to hoe.
Both proponents and opponents of capital punishment agree that the number of cases in which such doubts have been raised is growing.
Some proponents agree that it is unclear how much vitamin A the rice can provide.
No matter what form such a system eventually takes, most proponents agree that it will have to be voluntary.
Even proponents of recycling agree that the most any city has been able to recycle is 60 percent of its trash, officials said.
Opponents and proponents of the new law agreed on some core issues.