On another level, every major culture has attempted to preserve their prophetic teachings by carving them in stone or sealing them in tombs and caves (as the Dead Sea Scrolls).
The core values of Immanuel's Church is to be Spirit-filled, Bible teaching, loving, prophetic, and involved.
It was affirmed by Ellen White, "and had an unrivaled influence on [Adventist] prophetic teaching."
But prophetic teachings emphasize children's responsibility to care for parents as they were cared for as infants.
Jewish ethics may be said to originate with the Hebrew Bible, its broad legal injunctions, wisdom narratives and prophetic teachings.
The nation: The Jewish people is a covenanted people, the originator of monotheism, formulator of the prophetic teachings, standard bearer of human culture, guardian of glorious patrimony.
The followers of Yahweh found their champion in Elijah, whose story reflects the prophetic teaching of more than one age.
In progressive Judaism, Jewish theology valorizes the Torah, with an emphasis on prophetic and ethical teachings.
Is there anyone here who still considers the prophetic teaching of Scripture mere symbolism?
Three millennia of prophetic teaching had given them an unwavering spirit of resignation and had created in them a will to live which no disaster could crush".