Aspects of his ministry which have been particularly controversial include his view of the prophetic ministry today.
Two other official statements regarding the prophetic ministry of Ellen White have recently been voted at General Conference Sessions.
From 1861 to 1881 Ellen White's prophetic ministry became increasingly recognized among Sabbatarian Adventists.
He is best known for his teachings and books on apostolic and prophetic ministries, as well as leadership.
Thus, we have a distinction between foundational and non-foundational prophetic ministries.
They also published what is considered the first modern book on dreams, visions, and prophetic ministry: The Elijah Task (1977).
Jeremiah was called to prophetic ministry in c. 626 BC.
Even during Ellen White's lifetime Adventists had different views regarding the nature of her prophetic ministry.
Some people are wary of Aglow's claims to be an apostolic and prophetic ministry, especially as this entails ongoing special revelation from God.
They enjoy lively times of worship, prayer, prophetic ministry and strong teaching.