A district's share of foundation aid depends on its property wealth and per-capita income.
Bases aid on district's property wealth and residents' incomes.
"When you add income into the formula, it has the effect of balancing out some of the great disparities in property wealth," he said.
Our effort would disassociate school funding from property wealth.
The change has been driven in part by the rising number of older people with property wealth to spend on residential care.
It means some towns can afford better schools and services than other towns because they have abundant property wealth to tax.
New tax rates result from adjustments to each town's contribution to the newly formed merged school system, based on varying levels of property wealth.
The Japanese system is not based on local property wealth.
"They've largely eliminated the differences in spending that result from differences in property wealth."
The district's residents have low property wealth, and moderately high overall net debt burden measured as a percentage of market value.