The reports provide evidence that fish farms properly situated in deep water with strong currents will not pose an environmental problem and have the potential to generate thousands of new jobs.
Once he's properly situated in a cool spot, safely away from any sunlight that would blister his chalky skin, Miss Birdie declares it's time to start working.
When not situated properly in the joint, the knee cap does not experience such stimulation and remains small and undeveloped.
If matters were to be learned at East Point, he was properly situated to learn them.
When she was satisfied that the Mexicans were being properly situated, she sent me to find my father.
He struggled to get situated properly, while a deck crewman strapped him into the four-point restraint system.
So the ashtray is properly situated and can probably handle a carton's worth of butts.
Doyle said, "Conversely, many European publishers feel that American critics are not qualified or properly situated to review football, rally, F1, cricket and rugby games".
If a second referee had been properly situated to make the correct call, he could have consulted with his fellow arbiter and they would have gotten it right.
A single corps (properly situated in a strong defensive position) could survive at least a day without support, giving the Grande Armée countless strategic and tactical options on every campaign.