The embassy statement asserted that Shaikh's rights and interests under Chinese law were "properly respected and guaranteed".
He's arbitrary; he's jealous of his prerogatives; he's obsessed with being properly respected.
Throughout his life, Chandler complained that his family was not properly respected by East Coast elites.
Much of the pagan populace maintained a sense that bad things will happen if the gods are not respected and worshiped properly.
I represent a large body of concerned opinion and I've been asked to ascertain that the human rights of this unfortunate child are being properly respected.
EU rules should be properly respected so that the integrity of the European arrest warrant process is protected.
The major challenge is, therefore, to continue to fight to ensure that equality becomes a reality and that women's dignity is properly respected.
The existing rules in the road transport sector permit a driving time of 56 hours per week, and even this is not properly respected.
The relevant European Union legislation appears to have been properly respected.
Let me emphasise how important it is that the rights of Parliament are properly respected throughout this decision-making process.