By some mix-up, my papers didn't seem to be in order and I had to hold on there until the proper American visa came through.
They want people who live in Thailand permenantly to have proper visas, and pay taxes.
Due to his lack of a proper visa to work there, however, he was asked to serve, instead, in South Africa.
On board, a proper visa was stamped in our passports.
Because she did not have the proper visa.
Some countries also require that you obtain the proper visa.
Jon Owen was unable to secure a proper visa in time and was going through a series of personal problems as well.
If you want' to live here, get a proper visa if you don't, go home, the message is simple!
Another 270,000 are estimated to be living here without proper visas.
Instead, the government threatened to deport more than 600 of the Sudanese who had been held for not having proper visas.