Inside, critics have charged, the hospital is failing to provide the proper therapy to patients and has generally cut back on services.
"Doctors and parents don't have to worry about whether the child is getting all the medicine and the proper therapy."
With proper therapy, the pain usually improves after one day and the condition completely resolves within four to seven days.
With proper therapy, some children do improve with time and lead normal lives.
By doing it this rapidly, we're able to get the patient on the proper therapy.
They predict that with the proper therapy, they can assist him to a full recovery inside of a year.
So hopefully with some rest and proper physical therapy, it won't.
And alternative medicine can be worse than worthless if people believe in it and don't get proper therapy.
Patients who maintain proper therapy can stay on one regimen without developing resistance.
But without proper therapy, the diseases could rapidly cause brain damage.