Finding, setting, and maintaining proper scope.
Israel's success with Tay-Sachs disease has also opened several discussions and debates about the proper scope of genetic testing for other disorders.
The court today heard arguments over the proper scope of the review process from two state agencies.
These would be plenty to support a government that operates within its proper scope.
Accordingly, the only proper scope of opposition to the motion would have been evidence addressing plaintiff's employment claims and her alleged emotional distress.
This is especially useful in exploring whether different fact patterns might limit the proper scope of a possible holding in a given case.
They accept the null hypothesis (nothing is useful until proved to be, by double-blind studies), and apply it beyond its proper scope.
The problems surrounding the meaning of consent and different approaches to its proper scope will now be examined in greater detail.
Over the years, scholars disputed the proper scope and application of the Frye test.
But I disagree with him and others on the proper scope of the anti-terrorist laws.