Its second and more serious problem is to establish proper relations with Moscow.
The poem raises questions about the proper relation of the poet, or his life, to the work.
This autumn and winter were to be devoted to the cultivation of proper relations between him and his wife.
Each piece, Ludwik, was brought to stand in proper relation to each other.
Extra care is taken to maintain proper relations while maximizing family privacy.
The whole reality of romance and the proper relations to it are being questioned by Shakespeare.
'Enough' means the full pursuit of proper human relations with everybody, first in our own society and then with othersocieties.
It is difficult in this age to keep any historic consciousness, any proper relations to the past.
So again, a man's person hath many proper relations, which he cannot put off.
As such, the court placed great importance in maintaining proper relations with the succession of dynasties that ruled northern China.