Facing declining record sales, the lack of a proper outlet for exhibition of music videos, and the economic crisis, Hurley commented that "people are buying things they need to survive rather than records and concert tickets."
In like manner, true work of mind or technical skill brings peace, composure, sanity, to one to whom the proper outlet of his energy has been denied.
According to Commissioner Safir's order, Lieutenant Drennan had also failed to make sure that the firefighters he supervised had connected the hose to the proper outlet to provide "an adequate supply of water for operations during a fire."
The more serious the recall, the more the F.D.A. checks to make sure that all all proper outlets are notified.
The workers would sit on stools facing a wall with hundreds of outlets and tiny blinking lights; they had to work quickly when a light flashed plugging the cord into the proper outlet.
Jane had a tremendous flair for organisation and Sarah was pleased to see that this gift would find a proper outlet.
Is it Joey Barton finally finding a proper outlet for his intellectual muse?
"There is so much energy within our young people today, and in Newark they don't have the proper outlets for all this energy."
Lower Beechview was the proper outlet - much better than Upper Beechview.
"It is true that there is nothing after disease, indigence and a sense of guilt, so fatal to health and to life itself as the want of a proper outlet for active faculties."