Above all, Machiavelli argues, do not interfere with the property of the subjects, their women, or the life of somebody without proper justification.
The court said the Thruway Authority imposed the increase legally and with proper justification in the spring of 1988.
But we must prevent the President from escalating our role in Libya without proper justification and clear military objectives.
The court said Navistar's business plight wasn't a proper justification for the EPA to issue the rule without following normal administrative procedures.
It must be a proper justification which shows that your time is not likely to be wasted on a low priority.
The society, however, could not murder this unwelcome figure simply out of hatred, because that would be illegal and would have no proper justification.
The dog sniff search was unreasonably undertaken because there was no proper justification.
In Greece railway photography is prohibited on all networks, without proper legal justification.
"They didn't have the proper legal justifications in writing to back up their searches."
The reduced contributions by Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden and Austria do not have any proper justification either.