Joe losing should be treated as a huge deal with proper follow-up to move Joe up to the next level.
The prognosis is excellent, Mr Bishop, given proper follow-up, radiotherapy.
In 1987, the band released the proper follow-up to their debut, Dancing on the Couch, which made the UK Top 20.
Ensuring proper follow-up is also difficult as many victims will not attend further scheduled visits for reasons that probably relate to their psychological coping following the assault.
It may not be a proper follow-up to her first album, but it is fascinating.
Formulate a structured weight loss plan with your doctor and receive proper follow-up.
It recommended that immunization records be tracked by computer to insure proper follow-up.
If an initiative manages to collect one million signatures, a proper follow-up will be guaranteed, including a public hearing at Parliament.
We do not want it to be a flash in the pan, but to have proper follow-up and a future for the countries we visit.
The Council will continue to monitor further progress in all areas since proper follow-up is an ongoing exercise in all Schengen countries.