Perhaps we can borrow some heavy repetitive chords from Beethoven to give the proper emphasis to the crushing and compacting of the rubble.
So I think it makes a good case that the proper emphasis at the outset is to teach the basics.
But it's a matter of proper emphasis.
Newspaper editors were given orders to reflect "a proper Islamic emphasis" in their pages.
Even if they don't understand every word in your sentence, they will understand the whole meaning with proper emphasis.
And they also had Marv Levy, a head coach who made sure the proper emphasis was placed on the unit.
We'll make sure schools are assessed in the round, with a proper emphasis on the quality of teaching, rather than just published results.
His pronunciation of Standard was excellent, though he didn't or couldn't give labial consonants their proper emphasis.
She believes it only when I tell her-with proper emphasis.
She believes it only when I tell her - with proper emphasis.