Lower propellant charges were used but these gave a significant reduction in range and caused problems of fire control.
Because of this the gun could be fired using three different sized propellant charges, a light, medium and heavy charge.
The propellant charge launches the mine up out of the ground and into the air.
The range tables specified the barrel angle and propellant charges required.
The same ammunition type was used, but, based on the lower effective ceiling, with a different propellant charge.
Different propellant charges were used to achieve required range, angle of descent and flight time.
She also suffered a fire caused by the ignition of excess propellant charges.
The shell detonated a propellant charge and the right gun was destroyed.
They were sometimes used to ignite the main propellant charge in cannons.
"And for a tricky shot like that one, it may have been hand-loaded to increase the propellant charge."