"Suddenly, I saw this propane explosion in this motor home," Valenzuela said Thursday.
On August 10, 2008, a massive propane explosion in Augimeri's riding destroyed a propane distribution facility which caused the evacuation of thousands of residents.
He, too, said a propane explosion was also a possibility.
After a propane explosion destroyed documentation which was the only proof that he was actually Elvis, he was unable to return to his old lifestyle.
A propane explosion in Buffalo, New York kills 5 firefighters and 2 civilians.
It suffered a propane explosion in 1957, causing the club to rebuild the cabin where it stands today in Franconia Notch State Park.
"We had one-family fires, propane explosions, that kind of thing," Mrs. Willson said.
Karl was injured in a propane explosion while remodeling the motel and cafe in the early 1980s.
During the winter of 1993, snow build-up from a record snowfall led to a propane explosion at the Meadeau View lodge.
In August 2008, a neighbourhood in northern Toronto was hit by a propane explosion that caused two deaths and extensive damage.