Firestone states, "Abraham's prayer in Quran 14:37 serves as proof text in the exegetical literature for his Meccan experience: "Our Lord!
It assumes and gives evidence for a number of presuppositions, including the inerrancy of Scripture, a normal/plain interpretation of scripture, and the legitimacy of proof texts.
The primary proof texts for this position are as follows:
According to the introduction in Vetaher Libenu, the committee used the Book of Genesis 1:27 as a proof text to use masculine and feminine pronouns when referring to God.
In England, the House of Commons returned the document to the Assembly with the requirement to compile a list of proof texts from Scripture.
The House of Commons insisted that the Assembly include scriptural proof texts with the Confession and the two catechisms.
Through the systematization of Reformed doctrine, and through polemics with Rome, the Bible became a set of proof texts.
The Petrine proof text first occurs historically in a dispute between Cyprian of Carthage and Pope Stephen.
This text from 2 Maccabees was the standard biblical proof text for the Christian Church in respect to creation from nothingness.
Furthermore, he does not limit himself to one or two proof texts to support his position.