These changes were statistically significant for all years across eastern Australia, and especially pronounced during strong El Niño events.
To make his last name easier to pronounce during military roll calls, he officially changed it to "Grinich".
On hearing the news, Louis XIV pronounced during his dinner a thought for the great abbess.
However, she is so smitten that she misses her cue and pronounces her lover's name during the performance.
"Over all, they were weak - but not as bad as the doom and gloom pronounced during the Christmas season."
"This isn't so bad," she pronounced during a pause.
He rejected belief in the Trinity but, as was common at the time, he did not pronounce on doctrinal matters during his sermons.
The words "next year in Jerusalem," pronounced during the traditional seder, have both a hopeful and a hollow sound.
However, variations are usually large, irregular, and particularly pronounced during magnetic storms.
Halal rules mandate that the animal to be eaten must be killed by a Muslim who pronounces the name of God during the slaughter.