The pronominal system of Standard English has a four-way distinction of person, number, gender and case.
Saisiyat has an elaborate pronominal system (Hsieh & Huang 2006:93).
The pronominal system is complex, full of honorific variations.
The pronominal system is quite elaborate, by reason of its differentiation on lines of sociolinguistic formality.
The following table shows similarities between the pronominal systems of several languages claimed to belong to the Indo-Pacific family.
Another result is that the pronominal system is complex and full of honorific variations, just a few of which are shown in the table below.
As with all parts of Quenya grammar, the pronominal system was subject to many revisions throughout Tolkien's life.
Both varieties have undergone significant and divergent developments in phonology and the grammar of their pronominal systems.
Kiowa verbs have a complex active-stative pronominal system expressed via prefixes.
Warndarang is characterized by an unusually simplified nominal case system but highly intricate pronominal and demonstrative systems.