Atlanta promptly won 13 of its next 15 games and found themselves in first place with a 13-3 record.
She moved over to my machine, promptly won $400, and had nothing but kindly words to say about the Venetian.
He set off for Ayr yesterday with five more under his belt and promptly won the first three races, two in photos.
In view of this, West does better to win promptly when the heart jack is led and play a diamond.
Her team promptly won four matches and the championship.
With little alternative, Gann took ownership of the horse, which promptly won three straight races.
In 1947, he took over the Yankees and promptly won his second World Series.
Borodin nodded, then promptly won an argument by ignoring the possibility that it might exist.
He arrives at the auction house and promptly wins all of her artwork, but Elizabeth is not there.
It promptly won two Tony Awards and recouped its investment in a little more than four months.