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Governor Weicker, an independent, promptly vetoed that repeal and the House failed to override his veto.
All nine of his colleagues promptly vetoed even the discussion of such an act.
Blankly refusing to accept Acevedo's budget-balancing proposals, the legislature came up with its own plan which the new governor promptly vetoed.
Mr. Cuomo promptly vetoed everything lawmakers had added to his proposal, starting the whole budget process again in mid-June.
Mayor Joan Barr promptly vetoed the measure, which she said would never withstand a court challenge.
When Congress voted to reauthorize the Bank, Jackson, as incumbent and candidate in the race, promptly vetoed the bill.
Other partners in the station, mainly the U.S., promptly vetoed the idea - but not space tourism.
Democrats passed a tax bill that the President promptly vetoed, and he proposed spending cuts that he expected them to resist.
Both Elbert and the sheriff promptly vetoed Corring's theory.
Mr. Pataki promptly vetoed more than $1 billion in appropriations, most of them Democratic favorites.