My first copy was played until it fell apart, whereupon I promptly bought another.
Just figured out the track s name; promptly bought the EP.
The producers, who wished to share Bradbury's reputation and popularity, promptly bought the rights to his story and changed the film's title.
Mr. Spectre promptly bought machinery, hired a staff and designed the round tins.
Miramax promptly bought the film for more than $3 million.
She promptly buys dresses and furs, without knowing the identity of her benefactor.
Brausen wrote to Bacon several times, and visited his studio in early autumn 1946, promptly buying the work for £200.
Knowing that he was about to cancel all debts, these friends took out loans and promptly bought some land.
The jaded viewer mocks the gag, then promptly buys it.
In what would become a common pattern among tourists, he fell in love with the place and promptly bought waterfront property.