But he criticized Democrats who have called for a prompt withdrawal and have cast doubt on whether victory is possible.
A majority of Americans now appear to support a prompt withdrawal from Afghanistan.
Other provisions of the accord included the prompt withdrawal of the 23,700-member American force in South Vietnam.
Since he's also dead set against a prompt withdrawal, we already know what his policy will be, no matter how many "reviews" he conducts.
I have backed the latest plan of action with the exception of one issue, the fast and prompt withdrawal of troops.
Elements such as correct distance, timing and a prompt withdrawal to an effective position are integral to the award of a full point score.
The inclusion of Embryo, without the approval of Pink Floyd, and which the band considered unfinished, resulted in the album's prompt withdrawal.
To be sure, many Democrats campaigned this fall for increasing the minimum wage, preserving the estate tax or a prompt withdrawal from Iraq.
The Azerbaijani Parliament has demanded prompt withdrawal of the troops and dangled a threat of secession.
This led to widespread bankruptcies without legal protection, massive unemployment without a social safety net, and the prompt withdrawal of foreign capital.