However, at 16, a knee injury, which he suffered while skiing, nearly ended his football career and prompted him to stop the former sport.
In addition, side effects of the drugs prompt many people to stop taking them.
For some, sexual crippling can be a serious problem that prompts them to stop taking the drugs, often without telling their doctors.
That interaction prompted Hellman to stop his informal banking operations.
Republicans said the risk of such liability would prompt some employers to stop providing health benefits to their workers.
The program has been given two short extensions, prompting Iraq to stop exporting oil for the last three weeks in protest.
"Captain," Ai'lara said, prompting him to stop at the doorway and turn around.
"Lieutenant," he said, prompting her to stop and turn back.
However, soon after the sessions he suffered a heart attack so severe that it prompted him to stop performing regularly in public.
He believes Schilling's high profile could prompt others to stop.