What are the areas of your experience that might have prompted them to call you in for the interview?
Residents say complaints to the store's manager had no effect, prompting them to call regional and national Starbucks representatives.
He has a pot-belly which prompts the other cast members to call him this nickname.
She said failure to adopt the legislation would prompt her to call the Legislature into special session, if they did not do so themselves.
Nuclear weapons are now part of the picture, prompting President Clinton to call the region "the most dangerous place in the world."
Two days later, we reached a degree of concern that prompted me to call her mother.
At their wedding, he jokes about something sexual, prompting her to call him a beast.
Losses on such speculative assets prompt lenders to call in their loans.
One True Thing prompted me to call my mom when I got home.
This was what prompted Brown to call her "bigoted".