Exorbitant fees for private schools, on the other hand, prompted students to organize several street protests earlier this year.
The incident prompted students to boycott classes following the assembly and lead to a picket of the school joined by parents.
The incident prompted students from Braunschweig to erect a sign on the border protesting the killing.
But she did not respond categorically to the students' demands, prompting several students to leave the meeting.
Asked whether a hot economy might have prompted students to drop out to enter the work force, school officials were doubtful.
Some schools said incentives had prompted students to come to school even when they were sick.
But the death has prompted students and educators alike to question whether students receive enough information about the potential dangers of pharmaceutical drugs.
Criticism of the school's learning environment also prompted students and alumni to rally against the media's biased reporting by emphasizing their many achievements.
Besides, he said, a ruling in the plaintiffs' favor could prompt students of all kinds to demand cheap college housing.
After a period of good health, her condition again deteriorated, prompting students to resume recounting their past crimes.