Built by Israel after the 1993 Oslo accords on land partly expropriated from Palestinians, this neighborhood once prompted riots and international protests.
The 1936 elections returned two MPs favouring the independence of Syria from France, and this prompted communal riots as well as passionate articles in the Turkish and Syrian press.
His visits to Indonesia and Thailand prompted riots, a manifestation of long-standing anti-Japanese sentiments.
Nhu's actions prompted riots from university students, which were met by arrests, imprisonment, and university shutdowns.
They prompted riots in many countries, which left some people dead and several European embassies burned by demonstrators.
On February 20, 1939, A large German American Bund convention was held prompting riots and protests in and around the arena by American Jews and others.
One of Incarna's changes, the introduction of the "Noble Exchange" (NeX) as an in-game market allowing players to buy vanity items, received negative reaction from players and prompted in-game riots.
Similar social strains among young South Asians prompted riots in some British towns last summer.
The Military Training Act of 1806 - the year after Trafalgar - was to provide for 200,000 troops to be raised by ballot, a measure which prompted serious riots in Frome seven years later.
In 1963, convicted murderer Christophe Bokhiri was released from prison, prompting riots around the country, but the focus of the rioting soon shifted toward Maga's problems as president.