Following the match, Ray attacked Storm and unceremoniously confronted football running back of the New York Giants in the building that night, Brandon Jacobs, prompting retaliation.
Mr. Perry also said the Administration had rejected, for now, a pre-emptive attack on North Korea's nuclear sites because it might prompt retaliation against South Korea.
The provincial government said security forces had been fired on first, prompting retaliation.
Defence Minister Jerzy Szmajdziński welcomed the news, but said the arrest could prompt retaliation from Saddam's supporters.
The problem, Mr. Clinton said on Sunday, is the allies, who have not wanted air strikes because such action might prompt retaliation against their troops on the ground.
He said that could hurt women by prompting retaliation by their abusers, at a time when the women might not have the financial means to leave home.
On some teams, such treatment of a star player would prompt swift retaliation.
The Gephardt amendment is opposed by President Reagan and others who contend that it is protectionist and would prompt retaliation.
The Helms-Burton Act has created a rift between the United States and its closest allies while prompting Cuban retaliation.
This incident prompted retaliation by Senna, who then proceeded to put a strong smelling French cheese in the air conditioning unit of Berger's room.