The disclosure prompted other researchers to uncover 13 similar flaws in the site.
Such observations, together with animal studies, have prompted researchers to examine other possible hormonal culprits.
This prompted researchers to investigate whether increasing a person's intake of the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish would have any effect on symptoms.
These and other studies with similar findings prompted researchers doing follow-up studies to see whether a similar relationship developed among their participants over time.
This prompted researchers at the Darwin Station to offer a $10,000 reward for a suitable mate.
The ethical debate over the use of embryonic stem cells prompted researchers to look for alternatives that might be equally useful.
Nevertheless, cost and donor scarcity have prompted researchers to look for new supportive treatments that can act as "bridge" to the transplant procedure.
The publication of the work prompted researchers in Ghana to study the substance's antimicrobial properties.
The report has received increasing public attention since it was first published in 2006, prompting other researchers to examine the same phenomenon.
This has prompted researchers to speculate an involvement of the brain's "biological clock" or circadian rhythm.