Social norms and expectations have changed, prompting parents to make "greater and greater investments in child-rearing."
What is unusual is this: Since the school year began, several children have experienced headaches, coughing and nosebleeds, prompting teachers and parents to be concerned.
ONE athlete has inspired cancer patients to live strong, and the other once prompted guilt-ridden divorced parents to feel normal.
The case was particularly unusual because it happened in the early afternoon and prompted parents to fear for the safety of their children, even in broad daylight.
At the time, however, the absence of a boys' Catholic High School in the area prompted parents to seek admission also for their sons.
By this measure, Cleveland schools do fail, prompting parents to seek radical alternatives.
The attention to Roosevelt has prompted other parents to take notice, according to Mr. Johnson.
Of course, cost is not the only factor prompting parents to favor certain models.
Fatal disease or simple old age prompts parents who had passed as gentiles to finally tell the truth to their children.
And is this proudly proclaimed finding prompting parents and health care agencies to overlook the real and often serious dental needs of millions of American children?