Once a poster child for inner-city decay, Newark can finally use the word "renaissance" without prompting laughter.
On opening night of the second Beijing run, these shared scenes prompted such loud laughter that it was sometimes hard to hear the actors.
"People have to start calming down," said the mayor, prompting laughter from his constituents.
The movie alternately prompts awe and out-of-control laughter, but who is sending up whom?
For some reason, that prompted further laughter from Kirk.
"It's important to keep this story as quiet as possible," said Wenger, prompting laughter from the press room and eventually even himself.
"That's for me to know and for you to find out," he said, prompting laughter from the audience.
That prompted more laughter, but Beauty was now watching Menolly.
At the tougher schools, this prompted laughter, the attitude of "How stupid can you be?"
"Not in my classroom," the man snapped back, prompting laughter.